
This is where I will express a variety of thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. Just like you, I have opinions about what I see in the world, it’s history, context, and future. I’ll even share how other people see it too. If there is a subject you would like for me or would like your opinion to be considered, let me know. We all evolve by engaging with all perspectives.

The Utter Nonsense

The Invitation

“We should get together,” are the dreaded words with no intention.

I’ve heard this statement many times after I’ve met someone new. I’ve heard it from all types of well-intentioned individuals, but to me it seems white people fail to follow through the most. Since childhood, I’d always been taught that you cannot wait for people to invite you to be friends, especially white people. My mom said, “Nerissa, you have to extend the invitation first. White people won’t include you on their own. They are comfortable within their groups of friends. You are new to them.”

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Traveling, Wage Gap, Racism, Education, Media Marina Bland Traveling, Wage Gap, Racism, Education, Media Marina Bland

The Utter Nonsense

I Can Read Condé Nast Traveler Too

In my attempt to build bridges and understand all people, my family has traveled all over the world, never going to the same place twice. Our travels have shaped our lives in so many ways. We’ve grown after every adventure, forming new contacts and friends, and stretching ourselves in the constant pursuit to evolve.

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The Other Resistance

Self-Reflection and Change

Tensions are high as the racial protest for injustice continue. A variety of social media posts have been circulating online revealing a resistance to self-reflection and change. People cheering and agreeing using emoji’s and likes, a sense of collective understanding that the solution to race relations is to just “do you” and everything will be alright.

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Marina Bland Marina Bland

What Do You See?

I’ll Tell You What I See.

Many people are feeling uneasy about the current international protests and laser focus on racism. This article may touch a nerve for some, but the intention is to be revealing. Try to have an open mind and resist being defensive. Racism has many layers and this piece will highlight a few I’ve seen uncovered recently.

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Upcoming Articles…



The Utter Nonsense Series

“The Utter Nonsense” series is a collection of essays revealing the words people have said to me, the personal stories behind them, and what I've learned about myself and other people upon careful reflection. I will now share those stories and lessons with you.

The Global Resiliency Project

The Global Resiliency Project endeavors to resolve all human challenges. I co-founded the non-profit organization to get at the root of systems that keep human beings from reaching their fullest potential. We focus on the people first.


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