
This is where I will express a variety of thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. Just like you, I have opinions about what I see in the world, it’s history, context, and future. I’ll even share how other people see it too. If there is a subject you would like for me or would like your opinion to be considered, let me know. We all evolve by engaging with all perspectives.


Upcoming Articles…



The Utter Nonsense Series

“The Utter Nonsense” series is a collection of essays revealing the words people have said to me, the personal stories behind them, and what I've learned about myself and other people upon careful reflection. I will now share those stories and lessons with you.

The Global Resiliency Project

The Global Resiliency Project endeavors to resolve all human challenges. I co-founded the non-profit organization to get at the root of systems that keep human beings from reaching their fullest potential. We focus on the people first.


If you would like to suggest a topic, please click “share’ to let me know.